Over the last two years, I've gained 10 lbs. Overall, that doesn't seem like a lot, but on my small boned frame and 5'2" height, it really show in my hips and thighs. I'm not happy with the way pants look on me now and I'm not totally comfortable physically either. This is a picture of me two years and 10 pounds ago. At the time I was teaching belly dance and CPR at a local gym. One of the perks was a free membership and because I was already there, it was so easy to work out frequently. When I returned to school full time, I was also working for the ambulance company as a patient evaluator, competing in ballroom and doing volunteer work. Something had to give; I chose to give up the gym, the CPR teaching and belly dance instruction. I loved all of them, but they seemed at the time to be the lowest priority. I certainly was not going to give up ballroom competing or my dream of achieving a Master's degree.

Dancing has always helped keep me active; but it doesn't provide enough cardio. During my ballroom lessons, we stop and start and slow down to perfect technique, so there is much time where I am not active enough during a lesson.

This is how I look now, with the extra weight. I've always had the curvy hips, butt and thighs...but this is more than I'm used to, and my proportion is off. I don't look my best. Marcel, my dance coach, took this picture of me before our lesson today. I wasn't terribly concerned with my outfit; I just needed comfortable clothing that moves with me. I had no clue how unflattering this outfit looked. I felt perfectly lovely walking out the door. Of course, I'm not accessorized and usually I am, but for dance practice, it's not good to have dangling earrings or a long necklace whipping around. This picture is my wake up call. I need to start working out with the same intensity that I did before I began my Master's program. I need to lay off the "three C's" that I have a hard time resisting; chocolate, chips and cheese. I want to look like I did in my belly dance photo above. I am committing to start today. I want to use this blog as motivation to work harder and better at getting back into shape. I hope that by making a commitment here, I will have to be more accountable.

This is the lovely ballroom studio where I spend several hours per week. Often, people wander in and out and watch lessons. I want and need to look my best. The better I look, the less distracted I am by extraneous issues that aren't directly related to the act of dancing. I am rededicating myself to fitness and healthy living. I'm 51. It's time to start taking better care of my body inside and out. Today is the day.